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I followed the instructions and I selected Self-Employment Tax Deferral - It asks if either of use need more time to pay... I checked 'No'  and Continue - it returns 'It looks like you're not eligible for this deferral - since we are getting a refund this year - (that is true - we have a refund) - tells me to continue... I then go to Smart Check and it still comes back to Schedule 3, line 11 - which has zero but says the number is too large.  We do have a refund that is reflected on line 10 as a negative number and is the refund amount.


We do not want deferral - what do I need to do?  Why didn't it just take my 'No' to wanting a deferral?  When I go back to the selection of Self-Employment Tax Deferral and come through the process again - I have to re-check the No response to the question of whether either of us need more time.  Most other Yes/No entries are retained if I come back through that page or form.  Why doesn't this 'No'  stay in effect on a return to that page?


Also, instruction says that it should have come through a section asking for the March to December amounts.  Since I checked 'No' to wanting more time, I assume it by-passes this step???  I did fill those in manually on the Sch-SE T and Sch-SE S, but that did not change the Quick Review Error.  I even set them to zero in the Sch-SE forms and that did not change anything - still have the error.