Business & farm

Form 2210AI during Error Check

If your Form 2210AI showed up unexpectedly, with a Federal Refund, but maybe 3-to-12 errors during your Review & Error Check....I can help you get rid of it.

But it depends on whether you are using the Desktop/download version of TurboTax, or the Online Browser-based software.  The procedure is different for each one.


First, a warning.  .....after deleting it, you will need to  check line 79 of the form 1040  (or line 51 of a form 1040A).

IF there is a tax penalty that shows up on that line, then you would need the form 2210AI, (or 2210) to reduce or eliminate that penalty....but I wouldn't bother unless the penalty is more than $50.  

...(.it's painfully tedious to do a 2210AI if you've never done one before, and if you have, you'll avoid the hours of extra work needed for minor $$ penalties)


Online Software:

1) Get into your tax file again, and start the Review & Error Check until the first form 2210AI error shows up.

2) Put a "1" in the first erro box, and continue to the next error

3) Go over to the left side of the screen and click on "Tax Tools"....then "Tools" 

(For those of you with narrow screen devices, you might need to click on the upper-left hamburger stack to get the left-menu to show up)

4) from the pop-up menu, select "Delete a Form"

5)  scroll down to the form 2210AI and delete it

6) scroll down to the bottom, click on "Continue With My Return" to get back to your tax return.

7) Run thru your Review and error check again to make sure it's gone....though, you might have different errors to deal with.


Desktop Software;

1) Start thru your error check again.

2) Until the first Form 2210AI error shows up, 

3) Now switch immediately to "Forms Mode".

4)  Delete the form 2210AI then return to the Step-by-Step

5) it should be cleared of that form 2210AI now.  

6) Run the error check again.  You might have other errors that need to be dealt with, but the 2210AI errors shouldn't show up again. 

____________*Answers are correct to the best of my knowledge when posted, but should not be considered to be legal or official tax advice.*

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