Deductions & credits

The letter says that but that is the amounts they start reducing it.  It's probably not any of the 5 reasons.  The common reason this year is you tried to get it again on line 30 but the IRS shows they already sent it to you.


Double check your bank statements and Check your IRS account (both accounts if married)

Your Online Account | Internal Revenue Service


The 3rd Stimulus payment started going out in March 2021 and is for 1,400 for each person listed on your tax return, no age limit. The IRS used your 2020 (or 2019) return to send the checks out fast. If your 2021 return changes and you qualify for more you can claim the extra as the Recovery Rebate Credit on 1040 line 30. But line 30 is only if you didn't get the full amount or qualify for more. Not the amount you already got. The IRS also sent out letter 6475 to tell you how much they sent you . If you are married then each spouse should get a letter for half.


If the IRS thinks they sent it to you but you didn't get it request a trace for a missing third Stimulus payment