Deductions & credits

If you are a W- 2 employee then job-related expenses were eliminated as a federal deduction by the new tax laws that went into effect for your 2018 return and beyond.    If you are a W-2 employee you cannot deduct a home office on your federal return, nor can you deduct job-related mileage, etc.


Employee job related expenses


However, if your state allows you to itemize, you may be able to claim a deduction on the state return. 


Enter all of your information in the federal section to ensure it gets pulled into your state return. 

  1. Go to the Federal section of the program
  2. Go to Deductions & Credits 
  3. Under All breaks, select Employment Expenses 
  4. Select Job Expenses for W-2 Income 
  5. On the next page, you should see a page titled Review your job-related expenses info.
  6. Review your input if needed.