Deductions & credits

I spoke with a few IRS associates today and learned the following:

  1. My 5th child does indeed exist on their records.  For whatever reason, the downloaded transcripts don't show that individual, but we confirmed all 7 household members.
  2. I'm still in disagreement on line 30 of the 1040, the Recovery Rebate Credit.   What TurboTax 2020 generated and what I generated by hand match up.  What the IRS revised the amount to, lowering it be ~$1,100 does not make sense to me.
  3. Every time I request a line-by-line review of the Recovery Rebate Credit worksheet, I'm either denied by the agent or get disconnected in way or another.   I want to know why my numbers don't align with their numbers... if the tables were turned, they'd have sent me a notice and be demanding payment!!

Still - the whole process thus far has been awful.  I have written notes all over my desk about every call, every agents' ID\code, and so forth.  Over 5 hours thus far between yesterday and today.


I'll open a separate discussion on the Recovery Rebate Credit.