Returning Member

State tax filing

Thanks @ErnieS0 for chiming in. When I first saw they were withholding PA tax upon converting me to W2, I specifically asked if I could fill out Rev 419, but my request was denied. I said "I was wondering if it was possible to withhold NJ taxes rather than PA taxes since I am not working in PA, but in NJ. I discovered there is a form I can fill out so this can happen (called REV 419), but the employer needs to agree to it." And they said "Our payroll is not set up to deduct NJ taxes, so we can't do this." I guess I didn't mention the whole reciprocal thing, but the point is I asked about Rev 419 and they said no.


Regardless, I am not working for them any longer, so hopefully it's the last return I have to file in PA for this particular employer.


I will not file prior year forms. No need to open that can of worms.