State tax filing



1)  As long as you started a NEW tax file for your own tax return (i.e. did not start with a daughter's file and edit the daughter's file with your own stuff.) then the MD tax return should be available to use when you get to the state section, but you wouldn't start it, and then it's not a part of your own actual tax's just sitting there "available" if needed.   


2) Now, if you did the Daughters tax returns first, then you probably downloaded MD as your one free state, and when you do get to the state section, you'll need to download and buy NJ forms  (hit the "Get Another State" button if the NJ selection isn't already showing.)  then start and use that for your own tax filing.


3)  IF, the MD forms do show up within your own Tax file  (Go to Forms Mode and see if any MD section is included)....if they are in your tax return, you can delete them.  Make sure you are in the Federal section of your own tax file, then go to the upper left corner, click on "File" then "Remove State Return" from the drop-down menu.  A box will pop up box shows up with either MD, or MD and NJ state tax returns, and you can select the MD one, and delete it there from your tax file.  IF the MD tax software is not listed in that pop-up box, then it is not a part of your tax file.   


Deleting it there only removes it for for the tax file that is open, it does not remove it from any other tax files already prepared, and it does not remove that states' software from your computer either.



____________*Answers are correct to the best of my knowledge when posted, but should not be considered to be legal or official tax advice.*