State tax filing

@ErnieS0 hmm, no we didn't have any income during those first 5 days. We only received income while living in Colorado. Some of that income was earned in our old state but received in CO. A previous screen (which I cannot find) appeared to factor this in already. I don't see how the first 5 days could change how much we're taxed on. Also, the state we moved from doesn't have state taxes, so the only state taxes we're filing are for CO. 


The first 5 days of the year were spent moving across the country from our old state.


I'm at a loss as to why claiming Part-Year vs. Full-Year is changing our refund so much. Perhaps I should try going back to my personal info and saying that we were in Colorado the whole year? Technically we woke up the morning of Jan 1 in our old state, but I don't know how much that matters.