State tax filing

@AB33    For the extension situation SuperUser dmertz had the following comment:
"MD extension is automatic with Fed extension only if there is no expected MD balance due.  

If a MD balance due is expected, a MD extension with payment must be filed.  

I don't know that a debit/ACH transfer for a payment with extension can be done through TurboTax online, so I'm not sure the CPA would have been suggesting, but I know that it must be mailed when prepared with the CD/download version.  

MD extension request and payment by ACH transfer can easily be done through the MD iFile website instead, so I don't know why anyone would do it through TurboTax even if they could, other than to have TurboTax calculate and record the payment in the tax file."
____________*Answers are correct to the best of my knowledge when posted, but should not be considered to be legal or official tax advice.*