After you file

TurboTax shows you a summary with an amount that nets the difference between a tax due and a refund, or an amount that totals all of the refunds, etc.



The “summary” given to you by TurboTax must have confused you.  That summary just nets out the difference between a refund you are getting and an amount you owe.   Or it adds two refunds or tax “due” amounts together.



The federal and state treasuries are completely separate from each other.  


Your state tax due cannot be paid from a federal refund.


And….your federal tax due cannot be paid from a state refund.  


Neither refund can be used to pay the amount due to the other one.


If you owe tax due, you have to pay it yourself by the filing deadline on April 15, 2025.



 If you have federal tax due you can pay by mailing your payment with the 1040V voucher, (which has the address printed on it, having the payment taken out of a designated bank account, or you can pay directly on the IRS website. 



To apply for a payment plan with the IRS


Apply Online for a Payment Plan



You must pay your state tax due using the state’s preferred method of receiving payment.  For most states that will be by making a payment to the state’s own tax website, or by mailing a check or money order.


**Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to offer the most correct information possible. The poster disclaims any legal responsibility for the accuracy of the information that is contained in this post.**