After you file

1)  If you haven't actually e-filed it yet  (hit the "Transmit Now" button), then you just navigate back to the income section, delete that income and wait for your proper 2024 documents to be issued and re-enter the correct numbers.


2)  If you hit the "Transmit Now" button.  Then, you must wait until much later this month to see what the IRS does with your file.  Hope and Pray that the IRS "Rejects" it for some reason.  (they are not "expected" to start until sometime around the week of 22 January)


.......2a)  IF the IRS "Rejects" your e-file, then you just go back to the income section and correct it.  (and enter anything else you "forgot" to include

........2b)  If the IRS "Accepts" it, then you must wait for any refund or pay any tax due form the original...then in mid-late Feb, you prepare an "Amended" tax return to correct all that mis-entered data.



PLEASE PEOPLE !   Do Not file your taxes until Feb. 

Certainly you can start on them in January, but sit on them for a couple weeks before filing.

____________*Answers are correct to the best of my knowledge when posted, but should not be considered to be legal or official tax advice.*