After you file

Troubling.....yes. My Desktop Premier (on a Windows computer) doesn't have a problem.


1) make sure the previously reported interest, you enter on the follow-up page, is not greater than box 3 $$ amount.....might even try entering a few $$ less on the follow-up page as the previously-reported $$ amount, in case there is some strange rounding error.


2)  Delete the 1099-INT, and re-enter it manually again?   make sure the 1099-INT has only the box 3 $$ and the follow-up previously-reported amount,   Don't put anything in any of the other zero values anywhere.


Can you e-file anyhow?  Maybe, or maybe not...check your Schedule B in Forms Mode and see if the interest is taken out in the Part 1 Interest area   (See picture below)


Otherwise...I'm clueless as to what to do.,,,other than Customer Support:


What is the TurboTax phone number? (




____________*Answers are correct to the best of my knowledge when posted, but should not be considered to be legal or official tax advice.*