COVID Stimulus Payment:(Please allow people who used Turbocard to change our Payment method to avoid having our stimulus payments delayed by having to receive it by mailed check

How do I update my payment method from turbo card to checking acct info for 2020COVID stimulus Payment after I already filed?My direct deposit info is still saved and is on file. I have filed my taxes with TurboTax past 20yrs I tried Turbocard for the first time and it was the worst mistaken I won’t be making again, from fees, to monthly withdrawal limits to green dot making it impossible to transfer your money from that card. In a time where most everyone needs this stimulus payment I don’t think it’s fair we have to wait another 7-10 days to receive it by being forced to receive it by mail when you can easily allow customers to update their own payment method information. (Per the treasure department’s statement)If you filed a return and got it on a financial instrument (like a prepaid card or tax advance loan), you'll receive a paper check.