After you file

We do not qualify for the EIC/ATC and for somereason my status isn't populating on the WMR website.


It feels like everyone is giving canned answers versus inspecting the root reason why this is going on. Just say that you are behind. I liken it to a restaurant open communication about food being delayed equals me not getting frustrated. Telling me multiple times it should only be a few more minutes for my food to arrive is BS, just tell me they had to redo the _____ dish.


There is no transparency and filing should is very easy with Turbo, and if you have filed successfully with Turbo, you should get your money quicker. It should be like the people with pre-check in the airport, just acknowledge the return quicker~ I make less than $100k, how much can I really 'game' it - Its a standard deduction, give me a break.