After you file

It is on Line 22 of the 2018 form 1040.


IF you print the 2018 1040 out, or look at the first page of a PDF document, both page one and page 2 of the new 1040 will print on one side of full sheet of paper.   


Signature and date is in the middle of the page....if you end up printing and mail filing yourself. ....but if you are e-filing, then you can arrange a direct-debit from your bank account when you go thru the e-file process.  


If you have already filed you have already filed, but did not arrange payment when you filed, you can also make that payment directly to the IRS on the IRS's DirectPay website.  (IF you have to pay your state, you'll have to check your state's tax website for payment options...if not arranged when you filed) .


IRS DirectPay site




____________*Answers are correct to the best of my knowledge when posted, but should not be considered to be legal or official tax advice.*