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After you file

If you have not already filed your return, please follow these instructions to fix your city tax.

  1. Open your return in TurboTax.
  2. Select the State tab, and the select Your State.
  3. From the Forms drop-down menu, select Go to Forms.
  4. From the File drop-down menu, select Go to State/City.
  5. At the bottom of the box you’ll see Delete. Click here.


You can return to where you entered the city taxes and erase/change the information in that area.

To get there you would choose Deductions and Credits >Estimated tax income> Estimates or other income (they’re both the same for this purpose)> Local Estimated tax > here you will delete the city and local taxes you do not want to file.


If you have already filed you will have to amend the return and paper file it. As it is for city, if you need to amend it may be quicker and easier to the local tax office and fill out an amended form.