Level 4

Get your taxes done using TurboTax

  • Dear distraught Turbotax users:


TurboTax has no motivation to get this done before March 3. For one thing, more software muscle costs money. And for every TurboTax Online user who leaves because of this and goes to an alternative like H & R Block, many many users will stick with TurboTax and wait for the form as February 28 comes and goes. Thus, each will end up needing to pay TurboTax  many tens of additional dollars - as the price increase kicks in. A net $$ win for TurboTax. Those who have already paid for download or disc are already locked in, unless they just write it off as a loss.


Turbotax users are not like elephants. TT users have short memories. And TurboTax knows its customers. 


And (while we are on the topic of corporate vulture behavior)  let us not forget that TurboTax Online now, in 2022, bundles State return preparation and State return e-file. The bundling is mandatory; print and mail in State return (for a lower price) is no longer an option. TurboTax’s cost for it to e-file your State return is trivial. Generating more  profits for TurboTax

CEO Goodarzi certainly deserves his bonus this year. He must be smiling, and thinking ‘What a country!”