Late 1099-B w/ Section 1256

I completed & sent in my tax return several weeks ago.  Then on March 15th, I received one more 1099-B from an institution that I didn't expect to receive anything from (especially considering it's already March, & every other institution sent their forms ages ago).


1) The form includes a small amount, ~$10, under "Section 1245 Contracts," as shown below.  I did not report these on my 2020 return, because I didn't realize that opened options contracts (not yet realized) had to be reported in 2020 - I was going to report the gains in 2021, when the contracts expire.  Question: Now that the company finally got around to sending me their 1099-B, do I need to file an amended return because of this $10 "1256 Contract?"  Or should it not be necessary, since it's such a small amount & I'll report the gain in 2021, when the contract expires?


2) For the amounts at the top of the form below (blurred), I did report those on form 8949, with Box C checked ("Short-term transactions not reported to you on Form 1099-B") - because again, at that time, I hadn't received a 1099-B.  Do I need to file an amended return, since it seems that now Box C is no longer correct, since they did eventually report it on a 1099-B?  Or should I be fine as Box C, since ultimately the sale was reported - just with a different box checked?




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