Get your taxes done using TurboTax

Using the TurboTax desktop CD/Download editions you get 5 free federal tax e-files included in the purchase price.  The 5 e-files are limited by IRS rules so any other tax returns over 5 will have to be printed and mailed.

You can create, complete and file as many tax returns as needed with the desktop editions at no charge.

Note that one state program download is also included in the purchase price (except Basic).  There is an e-file charge for the state tax return, currently $20 with an increase on March 1 to $25.  This state e-file charge can be avoided by printing and mailing the state tax return.

TurboTax desktop CD/Download editions -


Using the TurboTax online editions you can only complete one tax return.  To complete additional tax returns using the online editions you would need to create a new account with a new User ID.  Also, the state programs are an additional charge using the online editions.

Go to this TurboTax website for the online editions -