Get your taxes done using TurboTax


You appear to be using Live Basic Edition, which is a paid version--$80 for Federal and $45 for state (if applicable), and if you choose to pay the fees out of your Federal refund, there is an additional $40 service fee ($45 for California filers.)


Live Basic is essentially Free Edition with the added feature of being able to consult a CPA/EA tax expert during return preparation and a final review of your return by the CPA/EA prior to filing.


Is that the product you wanted?   If you are in the Live product by accident, it can be removed and return to regular Free Edition.


FAQ:  What is TurboTax Live?


FAQ:  How to connect with a live tax expert


FAQ:  How do I schedule my review using TurboTax Live?


FAQ:  How do I remove Live?