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Get your taxes done using TurboTax

You can file your federal (1040EZ/1040A) and state taxes for free if you:

  •  Made less than $100,000
  • Don't own a home or rental property
  • Didn't sell investments
  • Don't own a business or have 1099-MISC income
  • Don't have any major medical expenses

State is a separate fee*


Or you might qualify for FREEDOM EDITION if your income was $33,000 or less, or $66,000 or less if active duty military, or if you qualify for Earned Income Credit

NOTE: And if you use Freedom version, you need to log completely out of the TurboTax account you are in now, as the Freedom Edition is not connected to the TurboTax.com website. So the Free Edition would not be the same. 
