Get your taxes done using TurboTax

Check to see if a form 8814 may be included in your return in error (which has caused the error message for others historically). 

Try this:

  1. With your return Open, Go to the Tax Tools menu on the left hand side of your screen (TurboTax online)
  2. Then Choose Tools
  3. Select Topic Search, and search for form 8814 (type in "8814" only). and choose GO for that form
  4. It will take you to the Question Any Child's Income?
  5. Answer No, then Continue
  6. Go ahead and continue to answer any unanswered questions, go a few more pages to the end of the section
  7. Then click on wrap up income.
  8. You may want to choose to sign out and back in at this point and see if the error continues
  9. Run the Federal Review Again


You can go to Delete a Form to see if you can pinpoint the form that is causing the error and then delete that form. See below: