Get your taxes done using TurboTax

Here are the steps for entering a 1099-G for unemployment/family paid leave in the correct place. 

  • Log into your return and click orange Take me to my return button
  • Type unemployment compensation in the Search box in the top right corner of the account
  • Then select jump to unemployment compensation
  • You will see the Unemployment (and Paid Family Leave) screen and you need to choose Yes and Continue there.
  • The next page will have you enter the information from the 1099-G and then click Continue. 
  • Next you should see the What's the total amount you received on your 1099-G? page and enter the total mount you received here. If there was any Federal/State income tax withheld, be sure to put a check mark in that box on this page, so that the box (Box 4) for it appears on the next page.