Get your taxes done using TurboTax

@wyan2008   She would have to file as Married filing Separate, not Single.  But if you both agree you can file a Joint return.  Joint has more benefits than HOH or MFS. and has a higher Standard Deduction.   You would  have to enter her $600 on the Joint return.


Here's some things to consider about filing separately……


In the first place you each have to file a separate return, so that's two returns. And if you are using the Online version that means using 2 accounts and paying the fees twice.


Many people think they come out better when filing Married Filing Separate but they are probably doing it wrong. If one person itemizes deductions then the other one must itemize too, even if it's less than the standard deduction, even if it is ZERO!


And there are several credits you can't take when filing separately, like the

EITC Earned Income Tax Credit

Child Care Credit

Educational Deductions and Credits


And contributions to IRA and ROTH IRA are limited when you file MFS.


Also if you file Married Filing Separately up to 85`% of your Social Security becomes taxable right away even with zero other income.


See …….