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Get your taxes done using TurboTax

To print and mail your return in TurboTax Desktop for Windows:


  1. With your return open in TurboTax, select the File tab, then select Continue.
  2. On the next screen, E-file Your Federal Return for FREE, select File by mail near the bottom.
  3. Continue following the screens until you get to Print Tax Return for Mailing. Select Continue.
    • On the next screen, select Print Returns to Mail, then select Preview Print Copy in the pop-up window.
  4. Once the preview has opened, select the printer icon near the top (or go to Print in the File menu).
  5. When finished, select Continue in TurboTax and follow any additional onscreen instructions.

The first page in your printout is your File by Mail Instructions, which gives you the mailing address to send your return to, along with any forms you need to include with your return.

Tip: For security purposes, we don't recommend leaving your return in an unattended mailbox. Instead, mail it from the post office or give it directly to your mail carrier.

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