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Get your taxes done using TurboTax

A student (F1 visa) normally begins counting days toward the “Substantial Presence Test” in their fifth year in the U.S. (as the IRS discusses here). But note that it is possible to continue being an “exempt individual” (excluding days on an ongoing basis) if you have no intention of residing permanently here, and have a closer connection to your original country. So your scheduled switch to filing a 1040 as a resident does have that qualification.


However, @jj147, I’m guessing that you already knew that, and actually need help deciding where you fit into the gray area. If this is the case, can you describe your current circumstances and future plans a little more specifically? There are of course non-tax implications to all of this as well, but I or someone else here in the community (like @pk) may still have some useful thoughts on the matter.

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