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Get your taxes done using TurboTax

Thank you VERY MUCH for the reply.  I'm using a Mac, so I did the following:


1. Clicked the "forms" icon at the top of the Turbo Tax window.

2. This opens a list of all the tax forms in the left-hand pane, with a view of the actual form in the right-hand pane.

3. I selected form 8863 in the in the left-hand pane.

4. Next, I go to the "Forms" drop-down menu at the very top of the screen, and select "Remove form 8863" from the list.

5. A window pops up to confirm removal of the form--says all data will be discarded. I selected "remove" to proceed with removal of the form.

6. The window closes, and nothing happens. Form 8863 is still there, including all of its data. I repeated the process three times, but in each case nothing happened and the form was not removed.


Upload 1.png













As a side note, I went back to the deductions and credits area, and deleted the 1098-T tuition information I entered by adding a school. I deleted the school, which appeared to remove the 1098-T.  I re-entered the information, but unfortunately it looks like Turbo Tax remembered the prior info about the American Opportunity Tax Credit (see below):


Upload 2.png











My student has NOT already completed 4 years of college.


Again, my ultimate goal is to change the yes/no checkbox on line 25 on Form 8863 from "Yes" to "No."  


Thank you.