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Where do I enter a 1099-Q?

by TurboTax1716 Updated 1 month ago

Form 1099-Q reports distributions and benefits from Coverdell education savings accounts and 529 plans. It's reported on the tax return of the person whose Social Security number is on the form.

Select your product to enter your 1099-Q in TurboTax.

  1. Open or continue your return.
  2. Go to Form 1099-Q.
  3. Follow the screens to enter your info.
  1. Open or continue your return.
  2. Select Federal Taxes and then Deductions & Credits.
  3. Select I'll choose what I work on.
  4. Under Education, select Start or Update next to ESA and 529 qualified tuition programs (Form 1099-Q).
  5. Follow the screens to enter your info.