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Do I need to fill out or mail in Form 8949?

by TurboTax395 Updated a day ago

You don't need to manually fill out Form 8949, because we automatically do that when you enter your investment sales or exchanges.

If you’re paper-filing your return, Form 8949 will simply be included with all your other tax forms when you print them out.

If you're e-filing, you only need to mail the IRS a copy of your 8949 (along with Form 8453) if you entered sales section totals for one or more sales categories (instead of each individual sale) and one of the following is true:

  • The sales category for one or more summaries is something other than box A (short-term covered) or box D (long-term covered), or
  • The box A or box D summary includes adjustments (typically listed in boxes 1f or 1g on your broker statement)

If you're required to mail in forms 8949 and 8453, do so within three days after the IRS has accepted your e-file. Here's the mailing address:

Internal Revenue Service
Attn: Shipping and Receiving, 0254
Receipt and Control Branch
Austin, TX 73344-0254

Tip: In lieu of Form 8949, you can substitute copies of your year-end broker statements that show the individual transactions. You don't need to include unadjusted Box A or Box D transactions.

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