Card charged after being informed that it could not be processed

I live outside the US and was submitting an extension to fulfill my physical presence test requirements. TurboTax requested my credit card details to pay for Deluxe TurboTax, which I assumed would include my current estimated liability, minus existing withholdings. I do not possess a US address, so I filled out my credit card details using my old US billing address (since my bank is aware of my situation and has forwarding rules). I was informed there was an error with my card, and assumed there was an issue on my bank's side. I confirmed to myself the details were correct, and tried again with the same result.


I continued with the process to pay my remaining liability by bank transfer in order to submit my extension, but noticed on my bank account that there were two separate charges for ~$62 from Intuit via my card (the amount being, I assume, just for the "Deluxe" purchase). This indicates to me that the UI had incorrectly informed me there was an issue, then proceeded to charge me anyway. This forum seems to be the only way to get support from Intuit, so please provide me with the information needed to resolve this as quickly as possible so that I may have my incorrect charges refunded.