Debt management

KristineS5 In theory, some of what you say makes sense. But there is one major point that does not work for us. It also is the foundation of our expense reduction program. The 'responsible and profitable' use of credit cards is essential to our lives.

The system I have developed for us is not easy and not doable for many people. But it is actually a 'part-time job' for me. The fact that I have over an 800 credit score means I am doing something right. Between new card promotional bonuses and cash rewards, our expenses are reduced by about $100/month.

We are seniors in our 70s with much less energy to be physically productive. So we need to look at life differently and take different actions. 

I'm not saying we have it down perfect or that there is no room for improvement. There always is room to learn and grow. But given where the ball landed in 2008 into 2009, 'From Middle Class to One Day from Homeless', we are building a new life with very different 'rules' from the other life we had before.