Debt management

@bentriviani - I am online at the moment.  Sorry... what is your question? About what Mint/TT is showing?  I'm not a Mint expert or how Mint integreates with TT.  I'm a financial coach and IRS Enrolled Agent and help people in this way however. I would suggest you get your FREE credit report from   Start there.  Debt after a certain age is not collectible.  It depends on your state.  


I dont' know what 'other' debt is. That's an internal designation from Mint/TT.  It may or may not be an accurate reflection of something you owe or something you need to take action on.  Maybe google  "what is other debt Turbo Tax"   Use the words TT in your google message. That might help.


Check your credit report. That's really first.


Have you received debt collection notices?  If you've moved and your address is not current with old/prior debtors you may not have recv'd a notice.


good luck!