Credit cards

Thanks for that information, but the reason I am asking is that I had two accounts that I had eliminated the debt on and had left them unused and the cards were closed by the issuers for non-activity use. This does show up on my credit report as part of the negative effect. I am more than willing to face consequences that I do as a result of my sloppy behavior using credit but when I try to lower my debt correctly and the issuer closes the account what am I suppose to do. If there's an unwritten rule of usage within a certain time period, I would like to know so I can plan effectively if I have to use the card for a small purchase to keep the card active. I am trying to totally eliminate debt and then maintain only 30% of all available credit, but I can't do it via the avalanche method as I have no one but myself to also pay necessity bills so I can only afford to use the snowball method by paying off one debt at a time (one card at a time). It might take me a bit longer but the end goal is the same. I just don't want to have the cards closed by the issuer either.