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Credit Score

What’s good, average and poor
Intuit Alumni

Credit score

I'm not sure I've seen an official statement anywhere on the levels, but I go by this bar graph that we have in the Turbo apps:


My credit score bar graphMy credit score bar graph

 What I've learned over the past year and a bit working on Turbo:


- below 600 is poor, 

- 600-650 is ok,

- 650-700 is better

- 700-750 is pretty good, and

- 750 and above is really good, and above 800 amazing. All totally my words of course 🙂


I feel like anything above 700 is pretty good these days. Turbo does have a neat feature where we show the average credit score for someone your aged, and mine says 719. 


Hope that helps a little. 

