Level 15

Tax help for military filers

Please note that I personally am not familiar with the ProConnect series software. I can only assume that an over-ride will be necessary, just as it is in the TurboTax program.

Assuming the rule at is what applies here, and further assuming the 2018 tax return has not yet been filed, you'll have to invoke an over-ride to manually enter necessary numbers on the required forms. Additionally, per the IRS the return will have to be mailed along with a copy of the VA letter to substantiate the tax exclusion amount from the amount reported in box 2 of the 1099-R.

Finally, I was of the impression that ProConnect has it's own support forum since it's only for use by CPAs, EAs and paid tax preparers. From what I see, it's at

Have things been changed now so that you are actually directed to this forum?