Level 15

Retirement tax questions

As far as I know, box 11 is informational only and this entry is not used by TurboTax in any way.


To figure out what is happening, I think it would be necessary to know the details of boxes 1 through 11 of each of the four Forms 1099-R and what you did with each of the distributions.  It would also be necessary to know if you are under age 59½ (I suspect not since you have a code 7 Form 1099-R), between age 59½ and 70½, or over age 70½.


Are you entering actual Forms 1099-R or are you guessing at what they will be and have not yet received them?  Unless you are extremely familiar with these forms, guessing at their details is subject to error and may produce odd results if the details are not correct.


Since this is a public forum, you might choose not to provide the exact dollar amounts from the forms but the dollar amounts that you provide must be representative of the actual amounts on the forms.  For example, you might want to divide all of the dollar amounts that you post here by some constant value like 5 or 10 (without posting the divisor that you use so that nobody can reverse the calculations and determine the actual amounts).