My spouse has W2, my work allows me to select 1099 or W-2 in medical field. Does filing jointly help reduce 1099's SS and medicare tax? Or I still need to pay full 15.3%

Files jointly. - My spouse has W2, my employer allows me to select 1099 or W-2 in medical field job and rate is the same for either 1099 or W2. My husband and I make pretty much the same money too.

Does filing jointly help reduce 1099's FICA Social Security and medicare tax? Or I still need to pay full 15.3%?  I want to know since my spouse w2 already pays some portion of the FICA, does that help pay for mine too? 

Also, besides the tax write-offs advantage, I want to know what else can 1099 help me on in terms of the taxes. Should I pick W-2 instead to make things easier or will I benefit more with 1099. 

We have no kids, no loans, just rent an apartment. Thank you very very much for your time.