Retirement tax questions

Yes, the Deluxe program contains Form 8919.  

Here is some information for your reference for when you are ready to use the program

Entering your income through the below method will allow you to pay the appropriate employee share of payroll taxes (as well as income), but will alleviate you of the additional burden of the employer share that you would bear as a self-employed person.  

This information is entered in a different area of the program than regular W2s.  It is found under Federal (or Personal) Taxes -> Wages and Income -> Less Common Income -> Misc Income -> Other Income Not Already Reported on A Form W2 or Form 1099

 The quickest way to get there is to use the search feature in the top right-hand corner (magnifying glass icon).  

 •    Log into your account and click Take Me to My Return (you must click this first or you won’t get the “jump to” link in the next step

•    Search for "8919" and then click the jump to "8919" link.

•    You will get sent to the Other Wages Received Page

•    You will click Yes and proceed until you get to Any Other Earned Income

•    Click Yes to this question because you have other income that should be on a W2

•    Leave check next to employee compensation that was not reported on a W2

•    Next screen will be Employee Compensation that was not reported on a W2

•    This screen will explain Form 8919 and SS-8.  TurboTax will prepare and file Form 8919 for you with your return, but you will need to file SS-8 on your own (link below)

•    Next screen will have to report your wage information

•    Next screen will remind you that a Form SS-8 is required

•    Next screen will ask if these wages were reported on a 1099MISC

•    That will be the end of this section (program interview may go on to ask about other less common income types)


Form SS-8 Determination of Worker Status - link to form and instructions: