Retirement tax questions

@MichaelEgan007 wrote:

We were married 12 years and because I was undergoing back surgery at the time she served me divorce papers, I was ultimately awarded temporary alimony as well as 26.25% of her retirement, in 2005 The alimony stopped in 2007 but the military portion has continued to today and will do until she dies, to the best of my knowledge. I was never issued a 1099 or any other form that related to that retirement portion and I was determined permanently disabled in 2014 at which time I began receiving disability income and that's what I've been paying taxes on. I have over the years, attempted to get my ex wife to have my checks sent from dfas directly to me but those requests fell on deaf ears and she simply refused my requests by not giving me the courtesy of a response or explanation. I sent her the filled out dfas forms at least 3 times and nothing ever happened. I can't speculate what happened to those documents after I mailed them.

If you are

1) receiving disability checks that are taxable to you,

2) and also your ex-wife is sending you part of her retirement pay, 

3) and you are not getting a 1099-R from DFAS,


Then it seems like the portion of retirement pay would not be taxable to you because your ex-wife is paying all the taxes.


Have you also been paying taxes on the retirement pay?  How, and using what forms?