Retirement tax questions

Thanks for your comments.  I followed up with more detailed letters on Dec 26 responding to the CP11 (again) and the CP503 and began trying to schedule an appointment with the local IRS office.  Nothing available until February. But I got passed along to IRS "representatives" who were more knowledgeable and had access to my account and my 2022 Return.  Each rep contributed his understanding of my problem to notes on my account and by the third rep in the Law Department I found a rep who was able to put it all together and actually do something about it.  He reversed the changes made to my return in the CP11, voided the additional taxes, interest and penalty payment demand in the CP503 and restored my 2022 overpayment to my 2023 estimated taxes.  I was told to expect a letter confirming all of this within 4 weeks.   I learned a few things along the way: the telephone numbers in the CP11 and CP503 didn't get me anywhere; the call to the local IRS office led me to the "IRS representatives" who had access to my tax return (although it was tabulated in a different format in their system which caused some confusion in our conversation) including my W-2 ; the Law Department actually pulled up the 2022 Instructions for completing the Form 1040 and followed my argument and had the authority to make decisions over the phone; the IRS will respond to written inquiries within 30 days; the IRS' response to my first letter won't come until about Jan 5 and my second letters until February 26 (so I got ahead of myself and overloaded them); the CP11 and CP503 make threatening demands to meet a stated deadline to pay up which was played down by the representatives I talked with because I had timely responded and was trying to get the problem resolved.  What a trip!  Many hours on the phone; a lot of time with the letters and quit a few bucks for overnight deliveries.  Hopefully I will see all of this resolved in writing soon!