Retirement tax questions

That's just it, dmertz, I don't qualify under the CARES act because I did not need the money for corona relief. I started a job at the start of March and have been financially solvent since then, even as the rest of the country was suffering. Kind of feel guilty about that, but grateful. It's not a RMD but a regular premature distribution taken because at the time, I did not have the cash to pay the bills and had no other sources to tap.  Since it is not coronavirus related, the CARES act doesn't apply.


The question is whether under the provisions under Emergency Declaration I am able to extend the 60 day window under which I would normally be able to return a premature distribution to July 15th.  If I read Notice 2020-23, even though the original intention was not to roll the distribution over to another Traditional IRA account, if I return it to the original Traditional IRA or to an alternate Traditional IRA by July 15th, it will be considered a rollover distribution and I can avoid taxes and penalties on the amount.


That's what I need to confirm.