I amended my taxes due to wrongful claims of dependents which hasn't been processed. Will they recieve the stimulous

. Will my parents recieved the stimulous payment? My parents are In their 60's. My mom doesn't file taxes and also doesn't work. My father gets SSA and his income provides to both of them. I claimed them as dependents on my taxes with absolutely no gain from it. I amended my taxes because of realizing I didn't have the right to claim them. (Which I know won't be processed for quite some time) will they get the stimulous payment? I am afraid I ruined it for them. Is there steps they can take to resolve this? Also being my father is on SSI. He doesn't file taxes either and he is unsure if he recieves a 1099 form. His income is very very low. Does he need to take additional steps to recieve it if he is by chance eligible.? And if they are eligible would my mom need to update her information as a mom tax filer even though her husband would automatically recieve it due to being on SSI.?  @ee-ea 

Level 15

Retirement tax questions

They will get the stimulus because they get SS.

Retirement tax questions

My mother does not . Only my father. Does that not matter?

Retirement tax questions

A dependent listed on another return won't get the stimulus payment.

However you can straighten this all out on their 2020 tax return.

You'll have to file an amended tax return 2019 Form 1040X

Retirement tax questions

I have already sent in for amending

Retirement tax questions

If his only income is the SS then he doesn't need to do anything to get the stimulus for himself ... to get the extra stimulus for the dependents he will probably need to file a 2020 return next January.