Wash sale on selling securities at a loss and buying puts that were sold to close at a loss

All of the below happened in the past week:


1. I bought shares of a company over a couple of days without selling any in between.

2. I sold a few of its shares at a loss. 

3. I bought a put contract of the same company yesterday and sold it to close today at a loss.

4. I sold the rest of my shares of that company for a loss. 


Until this point, have I created a wash sale for any of my losses? I don't believe I have, since I haven't bought shares back after selling them at a loss, but correct me if I'm wrong.


Follow-up question: If I buy put contracts of the same company with an expiration inside 30 days, would that trigger a wash sale in any of the above losses? I tried reading the rules of wash sale on straddle position but couldn't wrap my head around the entire scenario. The reason I want to know this is because if I won't create a wash sale, I'd like to buy puts. My brokerage guy says I won't trigger a wash sale, but I wanted some reaffirmation on it. 


Thanks for reading.