Level 3

Incorrect 1099-INT for EE Savings Bond interest from bank - what to do

I sold EE savings bonds in July 2020 to cover my son's college expenses. These included bonds issued in his name and bonds issued in my name with him as the beneficiary. The proceeds were put in my checking account. (My understanding is that I pay the taxes for those bonds where I am the owner, and he pays the taxes for bonds where he is the owner.)


So the 1099-INTs I received today show that *all* of the interest from both his bonds and mine were credited to my 1099-INT. A call to the bank revealed that all thw interest went to my 1099-INT since the proceeds went into my account. This may have some impact on my taxes and his. Although it would be easier just to roll with the 1099-INTs I just got, I'm almost sure that's not the correct answer. So do I put the correct numbers in TT for both returns and ignore the 1099-INTs, or do I have to go back to the bank and argue that I need corrected forms?