Investors & landlords

I remember the whole debacle about 5 or so years ago that forced me to upgrade to Premier after purchasing desktop Deluxe when it would not allow me to do my capital gains.  I believe back then that they reimbursed me the difference since they basically admitted that they were misleading.


I'm going to do what I've done each year since 2010.  I'm buying  Windows Desktop TurboTax Deluxe with State e-file.  Since Deluxe continues to feature interview questions for Capital Gains, then I have no problem with continuing to use it. 


I just wish Intuit did not have to be so cryptic in trying to convince people that they need, or as another poster says they recommend Premier for Capital Gains.  It is misleading.  I've told customer service that on several occasions.  I'm also a shareholder of Intuit and want more transparency about their products considering they're a company that so many people trust.