Level 15

Investors & landlords

Losses and other expenses incurred before the property was "available for rent" are just flat out not deductible. Period.

However, what was the extent of the water damage? There is a difference between a repair, and a property improvement. If restoration of the damage would classify as a property improvement, as opposed to a repair, that's treated differently.

If the damage occured "AFTER" the property was converted to a rental, that would matter too. It does not matter if it took you months to actually get a renter in their either. What matters is the date you converted it to a rental, which can not be until at least one day after you moved out of the property.

The property is considered "available for rent" on the first day a renter "could" have moved it. Doesn't matter if it took you months after that date to actually get a renter in there.