Level 3

Investors & landlords





Without getting into detail, this is for a 1040-X that is amending a recent 2019 e-filing. I understand the IRS may offer 1040-X e-filing soon, so I might wait a few months to see if that becomes available before paper filing.


I had one more semi-related question I was wondering if you happened to know the answer to. My 1099-B (not the gifter’s) shows for Box 1b “Date Acquired” the date the gifter purchased the stock, not the date I received it as a gift. I used this date (gifter’s purchase date) on the 8949, since it is consistent with what the broker reported on my 1099-B to the IRS.


Is it required to write a note on the 8949 that states when I received the gift/stock, or is this probably unnecessary?