Investors & landlords


Unless you can calculate the correct basis to use for each one of those 100+ lots of stock you sold and the compensation created (or not) by the sales, the "most correct" way of entering this information is to enter all the detail, using the ESPP "guided" interview.  (I don't think Congress ever appreciated the problems they were creating for the ordinary taxpayer when the established ESPPs back in the 70's.)


If by some miracle you do know the correct basis for each lot, including compensation, (if any), then you can enter the sale in a "summary" fashion and enter the compensation elsewhere in the program.


Finally, you could simply enter the sale in summary fashion using only what you paid for the stock.  That's not correct of course but as long as the IRS never comes calling asking you to back up your numbers (they almost certainly won't) at least you've entered the sale.