Repair or Improvement... or Both?

Last year (2019) I had repair work done on a rental property I had purchased that year. Wood rot near the foundation was discovered and repaired. Because of the location, two new large windows had to be installed (to replace the older ones that couldn't be put back in). Edit: To be clear, I did not have a choice about the windows, since it was required to be brought up to code the minute the old ones had to be removed, it could be argued that the "improved" windows were a requirement in the repair.


Now the question is, what is this. Will the whole thing go under repair? Will it all go under improvement? Or will just the cost of the windows go under improvement (including or not including the cost of labor for the windows?)? 


Confusing enough yet? There's more.


This was paid for partially in 2019 and partially this year. Do I get to decide which portion I paid for? For example: if part of it is an improvement and part is a repair, can I decide to allocate the amt I paid in 2019 to the repair only?


Thanks in advance