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Investors & landlords

Question:  If I have $103,000 short-term capital losses in year 1, and carry over $100k of them to Year2, and:


  • $50k short-term gains in Y2; and
  • $40k long-term capital gains in Y2;

Do I *have* to use my carryforwards to offset the long-term capital gains in Y2 ?  In other words, could I elect not to apply those carryforwards, in the hope of applying them (more profitably) to short -term capital gains in Y3.


Assume marginal income tax rate 37% in all years.  Obviously, the value of applying the carryforwards to offset short-term capital gains (equal to 37% of those gains), would make them more "valuable" than using them to offset long-term capital gains in Y2 (20%).  I'd rather pay the 20% long-term rate and bank them. 


If this is allowed, how do I achieve it in Turbotax?